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Description: Children's self-build wooden bird feeder. It has real wooden parts, clear plastic windows to show seed level and more! This set is designed to introduce children to the fun of wood model making. Designed for children ages 6 years and older.
- Pre-cut pine pieces to build the birdhouse:
- 2 each - FPT3255 - Side wood ledge pieces.
- FPT3253 - Wood bottom piece.
- FPT3251 - Wood top piece.
- 2 each - FPT3250 - Wood side pieces.
- Unknown number each - FPT3079 - Wooden peg nail with a rounded flat head. 5/8" long x 5/16" diameter. WFL: 07-AA-03-9-C
- 2 each - FPT3252 - Clear plastic plexiglass (?) panels that are used as windows to show the seed level.
- FPT3249 - Red string to hang the bird feeder
- FPT3254 - Red round hole cap that fits on the roof to refill bird seed into the feeder.
- FPT3075 - Small square sheet of 120 grit sandpaper. Measures 4-1/2" square.
- FPT3074 - White plastic toothpaste-type tube of Fisher-Price model glue marked "GLUE" in orange. Measures 3" tall x 7/8" wide x 5/8" thick. *See "Variations" below.
- FPT8206 - Instructions
- FPT8210 - Pre-Assembled Bird Feeder - Wood (natural pine) bird feeder that is glued together. The complete glued-together bird feeder has two clear plastic windows, a top hole for adding feed, and wooden side perches.
- FPT8514 - White plastic toothpaste-type tube of Fisher-Price model glue with no lettering nor markings. Measures 3" tall x 7/8" wide x 5/8" thick.
Other Information:
- This set was also sold in #786 Wood Kit Assortment, go there to see the other wood model kits in this series.
- Sold in a 13-1/2" long, 10-1/2" high, 1-5/8" deep box.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks!