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#432 Mickey Mouse Choo-Choo
Years Made:
Fisher-Price Toy Department
Department 8:
Push, Pull, & Floor Toys

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Description: All abord the Mickey Mouse Choo-Choo! Featuring the beloved Mickey Mouse as a train engineer, driving his own train engine. Originally introduced with a bell on the boiler that rings as the train engine rolls, but the auto-bell ringer was omitted in 1940.

This has Mickey Mouse with red long-billed hat and blue overalls standing on a blue base train engine with 4 yellow wooden wheels. The "engine" is a round metal cylinder with red lithos wrapped around it with a metal bell on top.

  • FPT8347 - Wooden train engine with a litho of engineer Mickey Mouse "driving" the train. Engine has a blue base, round boiler with red "boiler" lithos on the side, a short blue smokestack/bead on the top/front of the boiler and a metal bell on the top/back of the boiler. A wooden bead attached to a metal arm near Mickey's hand swings to ring the bell as the toy is pulled. Litho marked, "W.D.Ent.".
Variations: None.
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