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Description: This is a small Adventure Series accessory set. The 5 pieces used in this set are very similar to those used in 1975's #303 Emergency Rescue Truck.
- FPT8306 - Red stretcher that rolls on 4 black wheels. It has raised arm handles on the sides and on one end.
- FPT1307 - Yellow rectangular cloth "rescue" blanket (bag) that has a red cross symbol within a round white circle. Measures 4-1/4" long x 2" wide. *See "Variations" below.
- FPT1309 - Red first-aid backpack with 2 rounded shoulder hooks on one side (to fit over Advanture Series figure's shoulders), and a large rectangular first-aid box on the other side. The top of the first-aid box has a hinged lid that lifts up. The front of the first-aid box has a white circle (head-stamped) with a red Plus Shape (+) in the center. *See "Variations" Below.
- 2 figures (movable head, arms and legs):
- FPT1109 - Male Rescue worker ("Mike") - wears a long-sleeve blue jumpsuit, red fire helmet with a green cross inside of a white circle on the front, yellow gloves, and black shoes.
- FPT1311 - Female Rescue worker ("Susan") - wears a white short-sleeve shirt with a red cross on her chest, white pants, blonde hair, black shoes.
- FPT20093 - Yellow rectangular cloth "rescue" blanket (bag) that DOES NOT HAVE a red cross symbol. Measures 4-1/4" long x 2" wide.
- FPT1308 - White rectangular cloth "rescue" blanket (bag) that has a red cross symbol within a round white circle. Measures 4-1/4" long x 2" wide.
- FPT3651 - Susan could also have a green cross on her chest opposed to red.
- FPT1309B - Red first-aid backpack with 2 rounded shoulder hooks on one side (to fit over Advanture Series figure's shoulders), and a large rectangular first-aid box on the other side. The top of the first-aid box has a hinged lid that lifts up. The front of the first-aid box is marked "FIRST AID" in white (head-stamped).
Other Information:
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks!