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#2636 / #72636 Tough Trike "Girls"
Years Made:
Fisher-Price Toy Department
Department 9:
Riding & Rolling Toys

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Description: The Girls Tough Trike is a white plastic trike designed for a young girl. It has fenders over the wheels to protect hands and clothing, a wide wheel base to prevent tipping and a raised adjustable seat that enables the trike to grow with your child. There is a storage compartment under the seat and a permanently attached key that clicks on the trikes "dashboard". Designed for children ages 2 to 5 years old.
  • FPT10674 - White trike with blue wheels, a pink seat, pink handle bars, and pink foot pedals. It has a pink heart with pink, yellow, and purple streamers flowing behind it on the side, and matching streamers over the back wheel fenders. The front of the trike has a paper lithograph headlight. *See "Variations" below.
  • FPT10675 - White trike with purple wheels, a pink seat, pink handle bars, and pink foot pedals. It has a pink heart with pink, yellow, and purple streamers flowing behind it on the side, and matching streamers over the back wheel fenders. The front of the trike has a paper lithograph headlight.
  • The model number for this trike was changed to #72636 in 1996.
Other Information:
  • 1991-1995 - FPT10676 - Sold in a 21-3/4" long, 17-3/4" high, 11-3/4" deep shipper/individual marked #2636. Weight: 9.1 lbs.
  • 1996-1997 - FPT12408 - Sold in a 21-3/4" long, 17-3/4" high, 11-3/4" deep shipper/individual marked #72636. Weight: 9.1 lbs.
  • This trike replaced 1985-1990's #2601 Fisher-Price Trike - Girls.
  • This trike was replaced in 1998 with #72644 Tough Trike.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks!

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