


Pumpkins & Hay














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Description: The very first Chunky Little People Farm was 1991-1994's #2555 Little People (Chunky) Farm. The #2555 Farm had a huge green base with a barnyard attached to the side, but the new #2590 farm is a better design with a smaller, less "chunky" base.
The barn is red with a white roof and a built-in silo. The farm opens in half to reveal 4 stalls with swinging gates and feeding bins, and a large loft inside. There is a drop-through chute in the hayloft, and a built-in chicken's nest. The set includes lots of farm animals and a Chunky Farmer figure. The set also includes a tractor, cart, vegetables, and 4 fence pieces. The fence pieces are newly styles and different from all other Little People fence pieces used before. All of the accessory pieces fit inside of the barn for storage. There is a white built-in carry handle on top of the barn for portability. Designed for children ages 1-1/2 to 5 years old.
In 1996 the model number for this barn was changed to #72590. In 1997 this set was slightly modified for the Current Little People. In 1998-1999 the baby animals were replaced by a black rabbit, a billy goat, and a kitty cat.
Accessories: Please remember that the following accessories are the accessories that are pictured in the Fisher-Price catalogues. These should be used as guidelines only, as other variations may exist.
- 1995-1996 Chunky Little People:
- FPT5784 - Large red plastic barn with a red silo attached to the side. The barn has a white roof and a green base. Front of barn has 2 red hayloft doors above a large barn door opening. Door opening has a red rectangular half door (often missing). The roof overhang (between barn door and hayloft) is flat and has a small red/white Fish-Price awning logo. The base splits in half and opens for inside play. Inside the barn has 4 animal stalls (with white gates). The top levels have a tan wood-simulated hayloft. One side of the hayloft has a rounded molded-in chicken nest, and the other side has a squared hole (drop-thru chute). Both sides of the hayloft have a tan square support beam (near silo). The top of the barn has a white hinged carry handle. Outside barn wall has a tan hinged lever to keep barn closed for storage. Measures 13-1/4" tall, 11-1/4" wide, 14-1/4" long.
The bottom of the base is marked "2590, ©1995 FISHER-PRICE, INC.".
- Tractor & Cart:
- FPT5786 - Large green chunky-looking tractor with a rounded grill on the front, small black wheels on the front, and large black wheels with tread on the back. The tractor has a gas hole on the front top, and an upright connector peg on the back. Measures 5" long, 3-3/4" wide, 2-3/4" tall.
- FPT5788 - Large wide rectangular yellow cart with 2 small black wheels on the bottom, and a large U-shaped hitch bar on the front. Measures 3-1/8" wide, 4" long, 2-1/2" tall.
- Produce & Animal Feed:
- FPT5787 - Bundle of orange pumpkins (3 pumpkins molded together). Bottom of center pumpkin has an oval-shaped "peg" (fits into holes in stall divider walls inside Farm base and on holes each side of Farm's front door).
- FPT5789 - Bundle of yellow hay - 3 piles molded together.
Bottom of hay bundle has a wide oval-shaped "peg" (fits into holes in stall divider walls inside Farm base and on holes each side of Farm's front door).
- 4 each - FPT5785 - White plastic fence piece with round poles on the ends. One of the pole ends has a C-shaped clamp to connects the fence to another matching fence piece.
- FPT3706 - Chunky Little People farmer with a red upper peg and blue lower peg body. He wears a large yellow cowboy hat and has a big black moustache.
- Chunky Little People animals:
- FPT3718 - Yellow chicken with a red beak, red crown feathers, and black dot eyes.
- FPT3717 - Pink pig with black dot eyes, triangular molded ears, and a curly molded tail. Marked "©90 F-P" or "©95 F-P. INC." and "CHINA" on the bottom of it's feet. Made of squeezable PVC plastic. Measures 2" tall, 1-1/2" wide, 2-3/8" long.
- FPT16935 - Tanish-brown horse with black dot eyes, a grey mane, a grey tail, and grey hooves. Horse has a blue ring around it's face. Marked "CHINA" and "©95 F-P, INC." on it's belly. Made of squeezable PVC plastic. Measures 3-5/8" tall, 1-1/2" wide, 3-3/8" long.
- FPT6413 - Tanish-brown baby horse (colt) with black dot eyes, a grey mane, a grey tail, and grey hooves. Marked "CHINA" and "©95 F-P, INC." on the bottom of it's feet. Made of squeezable PVC plastic. Measures 2-3/4" tall, 1-1/4" wide, 2" long.
- FPT3744 - Sheep with pink wool, grey hooves, grey ears, and a grey face with black dot eyes and a pink triangular nose. Marked "CHINA" and "©95 F-P, INC." on the bottom of it's feet. Made of squeezable PVC plastic. Measures 2-3/8" tall, 1-3/8" wide, 2-3/8" long. *See "Variations" below.
- FPT3754 - Lamb with white wool, grey legs, grey ears with pink inner ears, and a grey face with black dot eyes and a pink triangular nose. The lambs head/face is tilted upward. Marked "CHINA" and "©95 F-P, INC." on the bottom of it's feet. Made of squeezable PVC plastic. Measures 1-7/8" tall, 1-1/4" wide, 1-1/2" long.
- FPT3755 - White cow with large black spots all over it's body. Cow has black hooves, white horns, white inner ears, and black dot eyes. She has a yellow collar and cow bell around her neck. Marked "©90 F-P" or "©95 F-P. INC." and "CHINA" on her belly. Made of squeezable PVC plastic. Measures 3-3/8" tall, 2" wide, 3-1/8" long.
- FPT3756 - White calf with black spots all over it's body. The calf has black hooves, tiny white horns, white inner ears, and black dot eyes. Marked "CHINA" and "©95 F-P. INC." on the bottom of it's feet. Made of squeezable PVC plastic. Measures 2-3/8" tall, 1-1/2" wide, 1-1/4" long.
- 1997 Current Little People:
- FPT30536 - Large red plastic barn with a red silo attached to the side. The barn has a white roof and a green base. Front of barn has 2 red hayloft doors above a large barn door opening. Door opening has a red rectangular half door (often missing). The roof overhang (between barn door and hayloft) has a raised lip above a large red/white Fish-Price awning logo. The base splits in half and opens for inside play. Inside the barn has 4 animal stalls (with white gates). The top levels have a tan wood-simulated hayloft. One side of the hayloft has a rounded molded-in chicken nest, and the other side has a squared hole (drop-thru chute). Hayloft has NO support beams, but inside roof still has square holes. The top of the barn has a white hinged carry handle. Outside barn wall has a white hinged lever to keep barn closed for storage. Measures 13-1/4" tall, 11-1/4" wide, 14-1/4" long.
The bottom of the base is marked "2590, ©1995 FISHER-PRICE, INC.".
- Tractor & Cart:
- FPT5786 - Large green chunky-looking tractor with a rounded grill on the front, small black wheels on the front, and large black wheels with tread on the back. The tractor has a gas hole on the front top, and an upright connector peg on the back. Measures 5" long, 3-3/4" wide, 2-3/4" tall.
- FPT5788 - Large wide rectangular yellow cart with 2 small black wheels on the bottom, and a large U-shaped hitch bar on the front. Measures 3-1/8" wide, 4" long, 2-1/2" tall.
- Produce & Animal Feed:
- FPT5787 - Bundle of orange pumpkins (3 pumpkins molded together). Bottom of center pumpkin has an oval-shaped "peg" (fits into holes in stall divider walls inside Farm base and on holes each side of Farm's front door).
- FPT5789 - Bundle of yellow hay - 3 piles molded together.
Bottom of hay bundle has a wide oval-shaped "peg" (fits into holes in stall divider walls inside Farm base and on holes each side of Farm's front door).
- 4 each - FPT5785 - White plastic fence piece with round poles on the ends. One of the pole ends has a C-shaped clamp to connects the fence to another matching fence piece.
- FPT4693 - Current Little People farmer figure with reddish-brown hair, a yellow cowboy hat, a red scarf around his neck, a white shirt under blue overalls, and brown boots.
- Current Little People animals:
- FPT4646 - Red rooster with a white head, yellow beek and feet, and red crown feathers.
- FPT4627 - Dark brown colt with a black mane and tail. He has a red harness around his snout.
- FPT4655 - White lamb with a grey face, black ears that stick out, black hooves, a tiny pink nose, and a light blue ribbon tied around its neck.
- FPT4608 - Orangish-brown calf with a white face and horns, a white spot on his back and a white tail.
- FPT4625 - Dark brown horse with a light brown mane and tail. He has a blue harness around his snout. Has also been seen with a red harness (FPT4626). Also used in 1998+ version.
- FPT4651 - White sheep with a grey face, black ears that lay flat, black hooves, and a tiny pink nose. Also used in 1998+ version.
- FPT4607 - Orangish-brown cow with a white face and horns, a white spot on her back and a white tail. She wears a blue collar with a yellow cow bell around her neck. Also used in 1998+ version.
- FPT4636 - Pink pig with brown mud on the bottom part of his body. Also used in 1998+ version.
- 1998-2001 Current Little People:
- FPT30536 - Large red plastic barn with a red silo attached to the side. The barn has a white roof and a green base. Front of barn has 2 red hayloft doors above a large barn door opening. Door opening has a red rectangular half door (often missing). The roof overhang (between barn door and hayloft) has a raised lip above a large red/white Fish-Price awning logo. The base splits in half and opens for inside play. Inside the barn has 4 animal stalls (with white gates). The top levels have a tan wood-simulated hayloft. One side of the hayloft has a rounded molded-in chicken nest, and the other side has a squared hole (drop-thru chute). Hayloft has NO support beams, but inside roof still has square holes. The top of the barn has a white hinged carry handle. Outside barn wall has a white hinged lever to keep barn closed for storage. Measures 13-1/4" tall, 11-1/4" wide, 14-1/4" long.
The bottom of the base is marked "2590, ©1995 FISHER-PRICE, INC.".
- Tractor & Cart:
- FPT5786 - Large green chunky-looking tractor with a rounded grill on the front, small black wheels on the front, and large black wheels with tread on the back. The tractor has a gas hole on the front top, and an upright connector peg on the back. Measures 5" long, 3-3/4" wide, 2-3/4" tall.
- FPT5788 - Large wide rectangular yellow cart with 2 small black wheels on the bottom, and a large U-shaped hitch bar on the front. Measures 3-1/8" wide, 4" long, 2-1/2" tall.
- Produce & Animal Feed:
- FPT5787 - Bundle of orange pumpkins (3 pumpkins molded together). Bottom of center pumpkin has an oval-shaped "peg" (fits into holes in stall divider walls inside Farm base and on holes each side of Farm's front door).
- FPT5789 - Bundle of yellow hay - 3 piles molded together.
Bottom of hay bundle has a wide oval-shaped "peg" (fits into holes in stall divider walls inside Farm base and on holes each side of Farm's front door).
- 4 each - FPT5785 - White plastic fence piece with round poles on the ends. One of the pole ends has a C-shaped clamp to connects the fence to another matching fence piece.
- FPT4693 - Current Little People farmer figure with reddish-brown hair, a yellow cowboy hat, a red scarf around his neck, a white shirt under blue overalls, and brown boots.
- Current Little People animals:
- FPT4625 - Dark brown horse with a light brown mane and tail. He has a blue harness around his snout. Has also been seen with a red harness (FPT4626). Also used in 1997 version.
- FPT4651 - White sheep with a grey face, black ears that lay flat, black hooves, and a tiny pink nose. Also used in 1997 version.
- FPT4607 - Orangish-brown cow with a white face and horns, a white spot on her back and a white tail. She wears a blue collar with a yellow cow bell around her neck. Also used in 1997 version.
- FPT4636 - Pink pig with brown mud on the bottom part of his body. Also used in 1997 version.
- FPT4647 - Red rooster with yellow feet and a yellow beak.
- FPT4606 - Cream colored kitty cat with one black ear and one brown ear. He has a brown ring around one of his eyes and a black spot on the end of his tail. Long black whiskers and a small pink nose.
- FPT4622 - White billy goat with a pink nose, grey tail and beard, and wears a straw hat.
- FPT4638 - Black rabbit with a pink nose, white chest, paws, and tail. He has a white stipe down his face, white rings around his eyes, and a white mouth.
- Small pressed cardboard book titled "What's That Noise?".
- VHS Video Cassette and case titled "Little People Big Discoveries".
- Chunky Little People Variation - FPT3719 - Sheep with white wool, grey hooves, grey ears with pink inner ears, and a grey face with black dot eyes and a pink triangular nose. Marked "©90 F-P" or "©95 F-P. INC." and "CHINA" on the bottom of it's feet. Made of squeezable PVC plastic. Measures 2-3/8" tall, 1-3/8" wide, 2-3/8" long.
- Current Little People Variation - FPT4626 - Dark brown horse with a BLACK mane and tail. He has a RED harness around his snout.
Other Information:

- FP2590BOX1995 - (Box ONLY) - Sold in a 18" long, 16-1/4" high, 12-1/8" deep shipper/individual, box marked #2590 with Chunky Little People figures.
- FP2590SET1995 - Complete set in original box, described above.

- FP72590BOX1997 - (Box ONLY) - Sold in a 16" long, 16-1/4" high, 12" deep shipper/individual marked #72590 with a picture of Current Little People figures and animals on the side (including baby animals).
- FP72590SET1997 - Complete set in original box, described above.

- FP72590BOX1998 - (Box ONLY) - Sold in a 15-3/4" long, 16-1/8" high, 11-7/8" deep closed box marked #72590 with a picture of Current Little People figures and animals on the side. Animals include a goat, rabbit, and a cat.
- FP72590SET1998 - Complete set in original box, described above.
- This set was replaced with 2000-2002 #72791, 2002-2003 #77973 and 2002 #77746 Little People® Animal Sounds Farm™.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |