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Description: Well, it's not the #985 Houseboat, but it's the '80's version of it, just with less charm. The upside of the Cruise Boat is that there are only 3 accessories, so it's extremely easy to complete. The downside is that the pieces are sometimes difficult to find--with the blonde boy being an exclusive and the white life preserver being a less common variation of the yellow one. Designed for children ages 2 to 6 years old.
- FPT566 - Large boat with a Blue base, White "deck", and a Yellow top (cabin roof and observation deck). The yellow observation deck has a pull-out diving board, a white captain's wheel that makes a ratcheting sound when turned, and a fishing chair area that flips up to reveal an inside cabin with two built-in beds. Marked "S. S. Tadpole" in red on side of the boat.
- FPT24000 - Single-seat Fishing Chair - Has an orange fishing line and a green fish attached to the boat's fishing seat. WFL: 07-AC-08-4-F
- FPT607 - White U-shaped life preserver / life vest (fits around the neck of Original Little People figures). *See "Variations" below.
- 2 Original Little People figures. Both figures have a plastic body and a plastic head:
- AIPP - Short blue captain with a white beard.
- CKPP - Green boy with blonde molded hair. This figure is exclusive to this set.
- This set was also sold with a yellow life preserver opposed to white:
FPT606 - Yellow U-shaped life preserver / life vest (fits around the neck of Original Little People figures).
Other Information:
- FP2524BOX1989 - (Box Only) - This set was sold in a 11-5/8" long, 6-5/8" high, 6-1/4" deep box.
- FP2524SET1989 - (Complete Set) - Complete set in original box described above.
- European Version:
- FP2524BOX1989B - (Box ONLY) - This set was sold in a 9" long, 9-9/16" high, 4-1/2" deep box marked "Fisher-Price" in white and "Play Family" in yellow. Bottom right corner of box features a yellow circle marked "2-6".
- FP2524SET1989B - (Complete Set) - Complete set in box described above.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |