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Description: The Main Street was one of the first of the new introductions of Little People sets in 1986. The Main Street is basically just a cheapened update of the #997 Village with a dash of #938 Sesame Street thrown in. All of the good ideas seemed to be present--the lunch counter from #938 SS, mail and other parts from the Village. |
Accessories: Please remember that the following accessories are the accessories that are pictured in the Fisher-Price catalogues. These should be used as guidelines only, as other variations may exist:
1986-1988 Fisher-Price Dealer Catalogues:
- Base and Ramps:
- B2500 - Main Street Base - White Main Street building with a red roof, orange base, and 2 levels of street front businesses. The bottom level has a Bank, Market, Fire House, an Ice Cream Shop, and a post office.
- F2500 - Main Street 2nd Level "Billboard" - White plastic "billboard" that is molded as a building "front". The billboard has a large litho of two "storefronts", a Barber and a Pet Shop. Both "stores" have a litho door with a cut-out window and mail slot hole under the window. The litho has a picture of lots of animals in the Pet Shop window. The top of the billboard has a white "roof" with molded shingles. The "roof" has a half-circle section above the Barber door with a litho picture of 2 Original Little People figures. The "roof" has a rectangular section above the Pet Shop marked "Fisher Price Main Street". This "billboard" slides onto the back wall of the B2500 Main Street Base.
- 2 blue ramps that attach to building ends to let cars on/off the 2nd story level:
- FPT235 - Large blue plastic CURVED roadway ramp. The bottom corner of the ramp has a raised square outline to attach one of the street signs or street accessories sold in the #2500 set.
- FPT236 - Large blue plastic STRAIGHT roadway ramp. The bottom of the ramp has a balancing foot with a raised square outline to attach one of the street signs or street accessories sold in the #2500 set.
- Street Signs & Street Accessories:
- FPT228 - Long yellow triangular crossing swing gate with black stripes on top and a black arrow outline on the rounded end. The gate attaches to the bottom level of the B2500 Main Street base to change lanes.
- FPT52 - Blue stand-up style street-corner mailbox WITHOUT LITHO on front.
- FPT1221 - Small short red fire hydrant with a square base.
- FPT244 - Yellow plastic semi-diamond shaped parking meter that is mounted on a post with a square base.
- FPT247 - Yellow rectangular plastic "open" style payphone with a molded payphone and receiver handset on one side. The phone is mounted on a wide post with a square base. The base has a hole on the front for a Little People figure to "stand in" while "talking on the phone".
- FPT225 - Tall yellow stoplight that is mounted on top of a post with a square bottom. The light has a red knob on top to rotate the signal color on the stop light.
- FPT227 - Red stop sign with a short pole on a square base. The sign has "STOP" imprinted in the center of BOTH sides of the sign.
- Vehicles:
- FPT454 - Mail truck with a white body, blue base, and OPEN roof (rectangular hole in roof for mail pieces). Has "MAIL" in RED on the both sides. Wheels are NOT marked.
- Fire Truck and 2-Piece Ladder:
- FPT528 - Red (Bright Red) top, white bottom 2-seat fire truck with a yellow ladder base in the center. The ladder base swivels and holds the 2-piece ladder extension (SEPERATE PIECES). Wheels are NOT marked.
- FPT530 - Yellow 6-rung ladder BASE piece.
- FPT529 - Yellow 6-rung ladder EXTENSION piece.
- FPT631 - Yellow top / Yellow base 2-seat taxi with "TAXI" written on the hood in black. The wheel rims are NOT marked "Fisher-Price Toys". *See "Variations" below.
- 7 Pieces of Mail - One for each of the 7 business doors. Unlike the the #997 Village mail pieces, the "address" is written in the same color as the stamps. These measure 2" long and 1-3/16" wide:
- FPT44 - Bank #1 - Black.
- FPT45 - Market #2 - Green.
- FPT46 - Fire House #3 - Red.
- FPT47 - Ice Cream Place #4 - Yellow.
- FPT48 - Post Office #5 - Blue.
- FPT49 - Barber #6 - Brown.
- FPT50 - Pet Shop #7 - Orange.
- 5 Original Little People Figures - All figures have a plastic body and a plastic head:
- IPP - Black body fireman with white arms and a white fireman's hat
- AFPP - Tall blue body mail man with a blue hat with a "M" shape above the bill. *See "Variations" below.
- CNPP - Shop Keeper - man with a green body, a white apron, glasses, and white molded hair. This figures looks like like #938 Sesame Street's Mr. Hooper, except Mr. Hooper is bald. *See "Variations" below.
- GOPP - Dark red body mom with fancy eyes and blonde hair in a bun. *See "Variations" below.
- JGPP - Lime green body girl with blonde hair in a sculpted bob.
1989-1990 Fisher-Price Dealer Catalogues: Although it is not pictured in the Dealer Catalogues, the storekeeper, taxi, phone booth, and parking meter were omitted in 1990.
- Base and Ramps:
- B2500 - Main Street Base - White Main Street building with a red roof, orange base, and 2 levels of street front businesses. The bottom level has a Bank, Market, Fire House, an Ice Cream Shop, and a post office.
- F2500 - Main Street 2nd Level "Billboard" - White plastic "billboard" that is molded as a building "front". The billboard has a large litho of two "storefronts", a Barber and a Pet Shop. Both "stores" have a litho door with a cut-out window and mail slot hole under the window. The litho has a picture of lots of animals in the Pet Shop window. The top of the billboard has a white "roof" with molded shingles. The "roof" has a half-circle section above the Barber door with a litho picture of 2 Original Little People figures. The "roof" has a rectangular section above the Pet Shop marked "Fisher Price Main Street". This "billboard" slides onto the back wall of the B2500 Main Street Base.
- 2 blue ramps that attach to building ends to let cars on/off the 2nd story level:
- FPT236 - Large blue plastic STRAIGHT roadway ramp. The bottom of the ramp has a balancing foot with a raised square outline to attach one of the street signs or street accessories sold in the #2500 set.
- FPT235 - Large blue plastic CURVED roadway ramp. The bottom corner of the ramp has a raised square outline to attach one of the street signs or street accessories sold in the #2500 set.
- Street Signs & Street Accessories:
- FPT228 - Long yellow triangular crossing swing gate with black stripes on top and a black arrow outline on the rounded end. The gate attaches to the bottom level of the B2500 Main Street base to change lanes.
- FPT52 - Blue stand-up style street-corner mailbox WITHOUT LITHO on front.
- FPT1221 - Small short red fire hydrant with a square base.
- FPT244 - Yellow plastic semi-diamond shaped parking meter that is mounted on a post with a square base. *See "Variations" below.
- FPT247 - Yellow rectangular plastic "open" style payphone with a molded payphone and receiver handset on one side. The phone is mounted on a wide post with a square base. The base has a hole on the front for a Little People figure to "stand in" while "talking on the phone". *See "Variations" below.
- FPT225 - Tall yellow stoplight that is mounted on top of a post with a square bottom. The light has a red knob on top to rotate the signal color on the stop light.
- FPT227 - Red stop sign with a short pole on a square base. The sign has "STOP" imprinted in the center of BOTH sides of the sign.
- Vehicles:
- FPT454 - Mail truck with a white body, blue base, and OPEN roof (rectangular hole in roof for mail pieces). Has "MAIL" in RED on the both sides. Wheels are NOT marked.
- Fire Truck and 2-Piece Ladder:
- FPT528 - Red (Bright Red) top, white bottom 2-seat fire truck with a yellow ladder base in the center. The ladder base swivels and holds the 2-piece ladder extension (SEPERATE PIECES). Wheels are NOT marked.
- FPT530 - Yellow 6-rung ladder BASE piece.
- FPT529 - Yellow 6-rung ladder EXTENSION piece.
- FPT631 - Yellow top / Yellow base 2-seat taxi with "TAXI" written on the hood in black. The wheel rims are NOT marked "Fisher-Price Toys". *See "Variations" below.
- 7 Pieces of Mail - One for each of the 7 business doors. Unlike the the #997 Village mail pieces, the "address" is written in the same color as the stamps. These measure 2" long and 1-3/16" wide:
- FPT44 - Bank #1 - Black.
- FPT45 - Market #2 - Green.
- FPT46 - Fire House #3 - Red.
- FPT47 - Ice Cream Place #4 - Yellow.
- FPT48 - Post Office #5 - Blue.
- FPT49 - Barber #6 - Brown.
- FPT50 - Pet Shop #7 - Orange.
- 5 Original Little People Figures - All figures have a plastic body and a plastic head:
- IPP - Black body fireman with white arms and a white fireman's hat
- AEPP - Short blue body mail man with a blue hat with a "M" shape above the bill. *See "Variations" below.
- CNPP - Shop Keeper - man with a green body, a white apron, glasses, and white molded hair. This figures looks like like #938 Sesame Street's Mr. Hooper, except Mr. Hooper is bald. *See "Variations" below.
- GOPP - Dark red body mom with fancy eyes and blonde hair in a bun. *See "Variations" below.
- FSPP - Green body girl with blonde hair in a sculpted bob.
- Mail Truck Variations:
- FPT456 - Mail truck with a white body, blue base, and OPEN roof (rectangular hole in roof for mail pieces). Has "MAIL" in BLUE on the both sides. Wheels are NOT marked.
- FPT454 - Mail truck with a white body, blue base, and OPEN roof (rectangular hole in roof for mail pieces). Has "MAIL" in RED on the both sides. Wheels are NOT marked.
- Taxi Variations:
- FPT632 - Green top / Green base 2-seat taxi with "TAXI" written on the hood in black. The wheel rims are marked "Fisher-Price Toys".
- FPT633 - Green top / Green base 2-seat taxi with "TAXI" written on the hood in black. The wheel rims are NOT marked "Fisher-Price Toys".
- FPT636 - White top / Yellow base 2-seat taxi with "TAXI" written on the hood in black. The wheel rims are marked "Fisher-Price Toys".
- FPT637 - White top / Yellow base 2-seat taxi with "TAXI" written on the hood in black. The wheel rims are NOT marked "Fisher-Price Toys".
- FPT634 - Yellow top / White base 2-seat taxi with "TAXI" written on the hood in black. The wheel rims are marked "Fisher-Price Toys".
- FPT635 - Yellow top / White base 2-seat taxi with "TAXI" written on the hood in black. The wheel rims are NOT marked "Fisher-Price Toys".
- FPT630 - Yellow top / Yellow base 2-seat taxi with "TAXI" written on the hood in black. The wheel rims are marked "Fisher-Price Toys".
- FPT631 - Yellow top / Yellow base 2-seat taxi with "TAXI" written on the hood in black. The wheel rims are NOT marked "Fisher-Price Toys".
- Fire Truck Variations:
- FPT526 - Red (Dull Red) top, white bottom 2-seat fire truck with a yellow ladder base in the center. The ladder base swivels and holds the 2-piece ladder extension (SEPERATE PIECES). Wheels are NOT marked.
- FPT528 - Red (Bright Red) top, white bottom 2-seat fire truck with a yellow ladder base in the center. The ladder base swivels and holds the 2-piece ladder extension (SEPERATE PIECES). Wheels are NOT marked.
- Original Little People Figure Variations:
- AHPP - The tall mailman could also be African-American.
- AGPP - The short mailman could also be African-American.
- GGPP - The red body mom with a bun could also have a light red body opposed to dark red.
- JWPP - The dark red mom could also have a ponytail opposed to a bun.
- GIPP - The light red mom could also have a ponytail opposed to a bun.
Other Information:
- FP2500BOX1986 (Box ONLY) - This set was sold in a 19" long, 15-3/4" high, 8" deep box. WFL: BW.
- FP2500SET1986 (Complete Set) - Complete set in original 19" long, 15-3/4" high, 8" deep box. WFL: 07-BC-13-3-F.
- Also see 1973-1977's #997 Play Family Village, the first Little People town/village. The #2500 was the 2nd Little People town/main street. After the #2500 was discontinued, Fisher-Price did not attempt another Little People Main Street or town, even through the Chunky Little People line, until 1998 with the Current Little People line's #72355 Little People Main Street.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |