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Description: One of the all time favorite Little People sets in the 1970's and 1980's was the #991 Little People Circus Train. The circus train was discontinued in 1986, but Fisher-Price decided to revive the set in 1992 for the Chunky Little People line. The three car train features an engine that whistles when the engineer is pressed down. The set includes 2 squeezable plastic animals, and two Chunky Little People figures.
In 1997 this set was introduced with Current Little People figures opposed to Chunky Little People figures. The train itself is identical to the train used with the Chunky Little People line.
Accessories: Please remember that the following accessories are the accessories that are pictured in the Fisher-Price catalogues. These should be used as guidelines only, as other variations may exist.
- 1992-1996 Chunky Little People:
- Train:
- FPT5754 - Blue train engine with a yellow cow catcher on front, a red smoke stack on top, and a yellow litho on the side marked "F-P" in red. The driver's seat is red and when the driver is pressed down, the engine makes a whistling sound. Measures 6-3/8" long x 3-1/2" wide x 4-1/2" tall.
- FPT5756 - Green lion cage train car with a side wall that folds down for a ramp. The car is mounted on a white base that rolls on 4 black wheels. Has a yellow plastic C-hook on ends of car to connect to other train cars. Measures 5-1/8" long x 3" wide x 3-1/2" tall.
- FPT5755 - Red caboose on a white base with a red top and a yellow inside with a yellow hang-off platform on the back for figure to stand on. Has a yellow plastic C-hook on one end to connect to other train cars. Measures 6-3/8" long x 3" wide x 3-7/8" tall.
- Chunky Little People figures and animals:
- FPT3733 - Engineer with a light blue body and hat, a moustache, and a red scarf on his collar.
- FPT3734 - Clown with yellow hair, a purple upper peg and white lower peg body.
- FPT3731 - Yellow lion with an orange mane and a molded tail with an orange teardrop shaped piece of "hair" on the end of the tail. Lion has black dot eyes and a black triangular nose. Lion's head turns from side-to-side. Marked "CHINA" and "©91 F-P" on the bottom of it's belly. Made of squeezable PVC plastic. Measures 2-7/8" tall, 1-1/2" wide, 2-3/4" long.
- FPT3732 - Yellow giraffe with a brownish-orange mane and brownish-orange spots on its neck and back. Giraffe has black hooves, black dot eyes, and it's head/neck is jointed and can be swiveled side-to-side. Marked "CHINA" and "©91 F-P" on it's belly. Made of squeezable PVC plastic. Measures 5" tall, 1-7/8" wide, 2-7/8" long.
- 1997-1999 Current Little People:
- Train:
- FPT30523 - Blue train engine with a yellow front grill and cowcatcher, a red smoke stack and a red push-button that the engineer stands on. When the button is pressed, the engine makes a toot-toot sound. The train engine has the Fisher-Price red and white umbrella logo on the side.
- FPT5756 - Green lion cage train car with a side wall that folds down for a ramp. The car is mounted on a white base that rolls on 4 black wheels. Has a yellow plastic C-hook on ends of car to connect to other train cars. Measures 5-1/8" long x 3" wide x 3-1/2" tall.
- FPT5755 - Red caboose on a white base with a red top and a yellow inside with a yellow hang-off platform on the back for figure to stand on. Has a yellow plastic C-hook on one end to connect to other train cars. Measures 6-3/8" long x 3" wide x 3-7/8" tall.
- Current Little People figures and animals:
- FPT4730 - Engineer with brown hair with a blue engineer's cap, he wears Blue overalls with white sleeves. He has a red scarf around his neck, and a yellow pocket watch in his pocket.
- FPT4663 - Clown with orange hair wearing a purple hat with a white flower and blue-green ring around the brim. He wears a purple jacket with a yellow bow tie, white gloves, orange pants, and blue-green shoes.
- FPT4620 - Grey elephant with all four of his feet on the ground and white toenails on his front 2 feet. He has his trunk raised showing his little pink tongue.
Has a solid red Fisher-Price awning design on side of back leg. Bottom is marked ©1997 FISHER-PRICE INC.".
- FPT4621 - Yellow giraffe with a brown mane, horns, and spots. Has white toenails on all four feet.
Has a solid red Fisher-Price awning design on side of back leg. Bottom is marked ©1997 FISHER-PRICE INC.".
- In 1996 the model number changed to #72373.
- 1997-1999 this set was sold with Current Little People figures.
Other Information:
- 1992-1995 (Chunky Little People):
- FP2373BOX1992 (Box ONLY) - This set was sold in a 17-1/2" long, 8" high, 3-3/4" deep display box marked #2373 with a Chunky Little People litho on the side.
- FP2373SET1992 - Complete set with box (17-1/2" long, 8" high, 3-3/4" deep display box marked #2373 with a Chunky Little People litho on the side).
- 1996 (Chunky Little People):
- FP72373BOX1996 (Box ONLY) - This set was sold in a 17-1/2" long, 8" high, 3-3/4" deep display box marked #72373 with a Chunky Little People litho on the side.
- FP72373SET1996 - Complete set with box (17-1/2" long, 8" high, 3-3/4" deep display box marked #72373 with a Chunky Little People litho on the side).
- 1997-1999 (Current Little People):
- FP72373BOX1997 (Box ONLY) - This set was sold in a 16-1/2" long, 8-1/2" high, 3-1/2" deep display box marked #72373 with a Current Little People litho on the side.
- FP72373SET1997 - Complete set with box (16-1/2" long, 8-1/2" high, 3-1/2" deep display box marked #72373 with a Current Little People litho on the side). WFL: 07-AF-01-3-A.
- Also see 1999's #72753 Little People Big Top Train.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |