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Description: Anyone for soup? This set includes a see-through saucepan with water and floating seasoning inside that "boil" when the pan is shaken. The set also includes a red soup ladle, a cloth potholder, salt and pepper shakers, and more! Designed for children ages 3 to 7 years old.
- Pot & Pot Holder:
- FPT7198 - Clear plastic saucepan with water and green, orange, and yellow floating "seasoning" inside that "boil" when the pan is shaken. The pan has a white rim around the top and a blue handle with a "Fisher-Price" imprint in top. Measures 8-1/2" long (including handle), 3" deep.
- FPT7200 - Square multi-colored striped cloth potholder with a blue edge and hanging loop.
- Alphabet Soup & Noodles:
- FPT7204 - Round white plastic container with a litho wrapped around the side marked "Alphabet" in yellow and "Soup" in orange. The top of the litho is red with "Fisher-Price" in white and the bottom has a picture of alphabet noodles in a bowl. Measures 3-1/2" tall x 2-5/8" diameter.
- FPT7109 - Round orange container lid. This lid fits on top of other round Fisher-Price cans.
- Five plastic alphabet soup noodle letters: ABC, DEF, GHI, JKL, XYZ. *See Variations below.
- Salt & Pepper:
- FPT7202 - Yellow short round salt shaker with "S" imprinted on the top. This salt shaker is shaped like a barrel with a wider middle than top and bottom. Marked "F-P TOYS" on the bottom. Measures 1-5/8" tall.
- FPT7203 - Red short round pepper shakers with "P" imprinted on the top. This pepper shaker is shaped like a barrel with a wider middle than top and bottom. Marked "F-P TOYS" on the bottom. Measures 1-5/8" tall.
- FPT7199 - Orangish-Red plastic soup ladle with a long oval-shaped handle that has a "Fisher-Price" imprint in the center, and a hole in the end of the handle. Measures 5-3/4" long.
- In 1990, the pot holder and salt and pepper shakers may have been omitted as they are not shown in the catalogue. Instead, the pictured set includes the following:
- FPT7195 - Blue soup bowl.
- FPT7039 - White spoons with an imprint of a heart shape and 4 "leaves" below it on the end of the handle.
- The color of the noodles can be either white, green, yellow, or orange:
- ACB Noodles:
- DEF Noodles:
- GHI Noodles:
- JKL Noodles:
- XYZ Noodles:
Other Information:
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |