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Description: This set is designed for little girls who like to play in mommies make-up. Instead of playing in mommies make-up, with this set, they can play with their own pretend make-up. The Fisher-Price Dress Up Vanity features a tabletop vanity with a removable tray that has pretend blush and eyeshadow pallets, a squeezable plastic perfume bottle, plastic nail polish bottle with a removable brush, and even dress-up plastic jewelry! Designed for children ages 3 to 7 years old.
Accessories: All plastic parts:
- Vanity:
- FPT7628 - Vanity - Off-white 3 compartment vanity with a hinged lid that covers the center compartment (PURPLE with mirror on the inside of the lid). The compartment on the left has a round indention to hold the FPT7633 perfume bottle. The compartment on the right has an indention that holds the FPT7630 nail file. The top of the middle compartment lid is marked "Fisher-Price Dress Up Vanity" in silver and the lid has a recessed heart shaped design that the FPT7642 heart-shaped key fits into. When the lid is lifted, the inside of the lid has a mirror with a light purple edge marked "Fisher-Price" across the top. The bottom of the tray is marked "2003, ©1985 FISHER-PRICE, DIVISION OF THE QUAKER OATS CO., PAT. PENDING". Measures 17" long, 7-1/2" wide, 3-1/2" tall. WFL: 07-AF-05-4-B
- FPT7629 - Vanity Tray - Light purple plastic lift-out tray that fits inside the middle compartment on the FPT7628 vanity. The tray has 3 compartments: one compartment has a rectangular paper litho with a picture of 3 eyeshadow colors and a blush pallet. The biggest compartment has a recess area to hold the FPT7634 comb, the third compartment, and smallest, has a raised heart shaped in the center. Marked "MADE IN U.S.A." on the back. Measures 7-1/4" long, 6" wide, 3/4" deep. WFL: 07-AN-01-0-G
- FPT7642 - Vanity Key - Pink key (not required to open the FPT7628 vanity case, but does fit in a key hole in the center of the case and fits onto the top of the lid). The key has a heart-shaped outline handle. Measures 2-1/8" tall, 1-7/8" wide, 1/4" thick. WFL: 07-AJ-02-0-F
- Make-Up Items:
- FPT17094 - White oval-shaped puffy powder puff with fluffy texture on one side. Measures 2-1/2" long, 1-5/8" wide. WFL: 07-AJ-02-0-D
- FPT7630 - Hot pink pretend nail file. The file has a handle that is hollow on one side and textured on the other side with a heart shape on top. One side of the file is textured and the other side is smooth. Measures 3-7/8" long, 7/8" wide, 3/8" thick on the end with the handle. *See "Variations" below. WFL: 07-AJ-01-6-N
- FPT7631 - Light purple triangular nail polish bottle with a raised heart outline and scroll designs on the side. The top of the bottle has a round hole that the FPT7632 nail polish lid and brush fit into. Measures 1-7/8" tall, 1-1/2" wide, 1-1/2" deep. WFL: 07-AJ-01-6-P
- FPT7632 - Hot pink nail polish bottle lid with an attached pretend polish brush. The handle is triangular and the brush has pretend bristles on the end. Measures 2-5/8" long, 1" wide, 1" deep. WFL: 07-AJ-01-6-S
- FPT7633 - Round blue squeezable pretend perfume bottle that puffs scented air when squeezed. The top of the bottle has a round squeeze pump with a pretend nozzle. Two sides of the bottle have a raised flower design with a long stem and 2 leaves. Measures 3-1/2" tall, 2-1/4" diameter. WFL: 07-AJ-01-6-Q
- Hair Products:
- FPT7634 - Blue comb with a handle that is rounded on the end. The comb has a raised molded flower design with 4 leaves and 2 hearts above the bristles. Marked "MADE IN HONG KONG" on the end of the handle. Measures 5-7/8" long, 1-3/4" wide, 3/16" deep. *See "Variations" below. WFL: 07-AJ-01-6-R
- FPT7641 - Hot pink hard plastic hair band with a large raised molded heart on the top and flower designs on the sides. Measures 5/8" wide. WFL: 07-AK-01-E-J. *See "Variations" below.
- Jewelry:
- FPT7635 - 6 each - White beaded "pearl" necklace that snaps together. Each "piece" of the necklace has 5 pearls molded together with a connector peg on one end and a peg receiver hole on the end and side of the opposite end. Each piece measures 3" long, 7/16" diameter pearls. WFL: 07-AJ-01-G-W
- FPT17087 - Hot pink heart-shaped locket with a round clamp on top that loops through the pearls on the FPT7635 pearl necklace. The locket is hinged with a plastic strip on one side to allow the locket to open in half. The inside lid has a peg on the upper corner and the back half of the locket has a hole to receive the peg and keep the locket closed. The inside lid is marked "F-P". Measures 2-1/8" wide (with locket closed), 2-3/8" tall, 5/8" thick. WFL: 07-AJ-02-0-A
- 3 animal-shaped plastic charms that fit onto the pearl necklace or the bangle bracelets:
- FPT7636 - Yellow horse-shaped charm with a round loop attach to the top. The horse has a molded face, mane, and tail. Marked "F-P" on the side. Measures 2" tall, 1-5/8" wide. WFL: 07-AI-01-A-T. *See "Variations" below.
- FPT7637 - Hot pink dog-shaped charm with a round loop attach to the top. The dog is in a sitting position with one paw up. The dog has a molded face, ears, and other features. Marked "F-P" on the side. Measures 2" tall, 1-5/8" wide. *See "Variations" below.
- FPT7638 - Blue cat-shaped charm with a round loop attached to the top. The cat has a molded face, ears, and other features. Marked "F-P" on the side. Measures 2" tall, 1-5/8" wide. WFL: 07-AI-01-A-U. *See "Variations" below.
- 2 bangle bracelets:
- FPT7639 - Blue hard plastic bangle bracelet with raised heart shape designs on the outside edges. The bracelet has a split in the side to allow the bracelet to be pulled open to put on and wear. The edge of the bracelet is marked "©1985 FISHER-PRICE". Measures 2-3/8" diameter, 3/8" thick. WFL: 07-AJ-02-0-E
- FPT7640 - Yellow hard plastic bangle bracelet with raised heart shape designs on the outside edges. The bracelet has a split in the side to allow the bracelet to be pulled open to put on and wear. The edge of the bracelet is marked "©1985 FISHER-PRICE". Measures 2-3/8" diameter, 3/8" thick. WFL: 07-AI-01-A-S
- FPT7647 - Yellow pretend nail file. The file has a handle that is hollow on one side and textured on the other side with a heart shape on top. One side of the file is textured and the other side is smooth. Measures 3-7/8" long, 7/8" wide, 3/8" thick on the end with the handle.
- FPT7645 - Yellow comb with a handle that is rounded on the end. The comb has a raised molded flower design with 4 leaves and 2 hearts above the bristles. Marked "MADE IN HONG KONG" on the end of the handle. Measures 5-7/8" long, 1-3/4" wide, 3/16" deep
- FPT7646 - Yellow hard plastic hair band with a large raised molded heart on the top and flower designs on the sides. Measures 5/8" wide.
- Charm variations:
- FPT17088 - Blue horse-shaped charm with a round loop attach to the top. The horse has a molded face, mane, and tail. Marked "F-P" on the side. Measures 2" tall, 1-5/8" wide. WFL: 07-AJ-02-0-B
- FPT17089 - Hot pink horse-shaped charm with a round loop attach to the top. The horse has a molded face, mane, and tail. Marked "F-P" on the side. Measures 2" tall, 1-5/8" wide.
- FPT17195 - Purple horse-shaped charm with a round loop attach to the top. The horse has a molded face, mane, and tail. Marked "F-P" on the side. Measures 2" tall, 1-5/8" wide.
- FPT17090 - Blue dog-shaped charm with a round loop attach to the top. The dog is in a sitting position with one paw up. The dog has a molded face, ears, and other features. Marked "F-P" on the side. Measures 2" tall, 1-5/8" wide.
- FPT17091 - Yellow dog-shaped charm with a round loop attach to the top. The dog is in a sitting position with one paw up. The dog has a molded face, ears, and other features. Marked "F-P" on the side. Measures 2" tall, 1-5/8" wide. WFL: 07-AJ-02-0-C
- FPT17196 - Purple dog-shaped charm with a round loop attach to the top. The dog is in a sitting position with one paw up. The dog has a molded face, ears, and other features. Marked "F-P" on the side. Measures 2" tall, 1-5/8" wide. WFL: 07-AI-01-B-E
- FPT17092 - Hot pink cat-shaped charm with a round loop attached to the top. The cat has a molded face, ears, and other features. Marked "F-P" on the side. Measures 2" tall, 1-5/8" wide.
- FPT17093 - Yellow cat-shaped charm with a round loop attached to the top. The cat has a molded face, ears, and other features. Marked "F-P" on the side. Measures 2" tall, 1-5/8" wide.
- FPT17197 - Purple cat-shaped charm with a round loop attached to the top. The cat has a molded face, ears, and other features. Marked "F-P" on the side. Measures 2" tall, 1-5/8" wide.
Other Information:
- FPT7648 - This set was sold in a 17-3/8" long, 13-3/4" high, 3-5/16" deep.
- In 1992, this set was slightly changed and introduced as #2055 Dress-Up Vanity.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |