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#162 Roly Poly Boat Chimes
Years Made:
Fisher-Price Toy Department
Department 5:
Infant & Toddler

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Description: One of the popular Fisher-Price toys that was made for nearly 3 decades is the Roly Poly Chime Ball. In 1967 Fisher-Price introduced two Roly Poly Chime Balls, one with sailboats (#162 Roly Poly Boat Chime) and one with rocking horses (#165 Roly Poly Chime Ball). The chime ball with the sailboats was not as popular as the ball with the rocking horses. The #162 was discontinued after 2 short years, while the #165 remained in production until 1985. The #165 was replaced with a similar chime ball in 1986 with the #1150 Chime Ball. Designed for children ages birth to 4 years old.
  • FPT1768 - 6" diameter plastic ball that has a clear plastic top half and a light yellow plastic bottom half. Inside the clear top has a "water" lithograph with a plastic tugboat, a sailboat, and two bell buoys that rock back and forth as the ball rolls about. The ball is weighted to keep the "water vessels" afloat. The ball produces a lovely chime sound when child rolls it. It is completely air-tight, making this toy perfect for water, or land play. WFL: 07-AF-12-2-C.
Variations: None.
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