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#103 Fuchs Du Hast Die Gans Gestohlen
Years Made:
Fisher-Price Toy Department
Department 1:
Audio, Visual, Musical, Educational & Electronics

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Description: This is an all-plastic wind-up music box that plays "Fuchs Du Hast Die Gans Gestohlen". This music box was sold only in europe and is very hard to find the US.
  • FPT22709 - Orange all-plastic music box with a blue pretend "channel selector" on the front that clicks when moved up or down. Has a round white knob that winds the music box as colorful pictures of revolve past the small "screen" above the knob. The back of the music box has a litho of a man chasing a fox with a goose. The litho also has the words to the "Fuchs Du Hast Die Gans Gestohlen " song. The top of the music box has a whiteorange rectangular handle (marked, "Fisher-Price") for portability. Back litho marked, "©1983 FISHER-PRICE TOYS, DIVISION OF THE QUAKER OATS CO., 103, MUSICAL MOVEMENT MADE IN JAPAN, MADE IN GREAT BRITAIN, I.D. 414902". Measures 4-7/8" wide, 5-1/2" high and 2" deep.

Variations: None.
Other Information:
  • Sold only in Europe.
  • The lyrics to the song are as follows:
    Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohl (Fox, You Stole The Goose)

    Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohlen,

    Gib sie wieder her,

    Gib sie wieder her,
    Sonst wird dich der Jäger holen Mit dem Schießgewehr  
    Sonst wird dich der Jäger holen Mit dem Schießgewehr

    Fox, you stole my goosey gander,
    Give him back to me,

    Give him back to me,
    Else I'll call the forest ranger  Who'll shoot you with glee
    Else I'll call the forest ranger  Who'll shoot you with glee
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks!

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